Our purpose includes creating a different tomorrow by first, developing perpetual resources, long-term sustainable structures, and a variety of protections required to help this venture pivot when needed and continue growing for generations to come.
Your enthusiasm and dedication to make the world a better place further supports a shared belief that there are more than enough hearts around this globe who are poised to help us ‘Restore’. As a recognized leader in non-profit assistance and networking, we are excited to connect with you as you connect us with others. A list of our current needs include:
We hope that you will offer your support to our efforts as well as actively recruit others to join us as we craft and properly document “our story”. And … in addition to all of your shared efforts, please entertain the thought that your very support will become known throughout African American households, communities, and tomorrow’s story as the generation who birthed …
The Restoration
Our purpose includes creating a different tomorrow by first, developing perpetual resources, long-term sustainable structures, and a variety of protections required to help this venture pivot when needed and continue growing for generations to come.
Your enthusiasm and dedication to make the world a better place further supports a shared belief that there are more than enough hearts around this globe who are poised to help us ‘Restore’. As a recognized leader in non-profit assistance and networking, we are excited to connect with you as you connect us with others. A list of our current needs include:
We hope that you will offer your support to our efforts as well as actively recruit others to join us as we craft and properly document “our story”. And … in addition to all of your shared efforts, please entertain the thought that your very support will become known throughout African American households, communities, and tomorrow’s story as the generation who birthed …
The Restoration
Here are a few suggested ways that YOU can help create tomorrow’s history
You can help by: | |
✓ Tax Deductible Gifts | |
✓ General Legacy | |
✓ Family Legacy | |
✓ Friends of The Restoration | |
✓ Sponsorship | |
✓ Torch |